SOS Radio Week

Lifboat coxswain Ian Cannon receiving our cheque

Lifboat coxswain Ian Cannon receiving cheque.

The Hilderstone Radio Society G0HRS raised £365 for the RNLI as part of the SOS Radio week.

Len West G0GNQ and John Hislop G7OHO set up a massive vertical aerial outside the Ramsgate Lifeboat Station on the freezing cold afternoon before the event - we had to go indoors every 15 minutes to thaw out!

The London Array wind farm company kindly donated £200 towards the event.

Ramsgate RNLI boathouse
On the saturday [26th January 2013] we had a slight technical hitch at first with a PL259 [a connector on our antenna coaxial cable] but it was soon rectified and we

Club members who helped out during the day.

Club members who helped out during the day.

were off! Patrick Kirkden 2E0CPZ had prepared the SOS Radio website with useful information on when we would be operating.

We made contacts throughout Europe and enjoyed getting embroiled in a Bulgarian contest! The club is running a training course for the foundation amateur radio license and the candidates carried out their HF contact, thanks to Ian Solly M0CAG receiving their CQs. So it was a great success for the club and we hope to have more special radio events this year including the RSGB100 event.