GB3EK repeater
The repeater GB3EK is situated in the tank room on top of a block of flats located in Margate, the repeater was first installed in 1976 and was one of the first UHF 70 cm repeaters in the UK.
The repeater is a custom modified Icom UR8050 combined transmitter and receiver whilst the antenna is a 2 element beam mounted on a 16 foot pole.
When the repeater was first installed the site was only shared with one other user. Since then many other services have been installed on the site including a radar installation with link dishes, 2 commercial community repeaters, a TV fill in repeater and 3 marine radio installations to name just a few.
To compete with all the other equipment it has been necessary over the years to replace the repeater with better quality radio equipment. The current radios are commercial grade.
Kent repeater group
GB3EK is part of the repeater network managed by the Kent Repeater Group
Like most UK repeater groups, the KRG is financed solely from the subscriptions of users and the generosity of local amateurs and amateur radio suppliers. Although affiliated to the RSGB, the Group receives no direct financial help from them. The Group needs to raise about £1600 per annum to rent sites, pay for insurance, and to maintain, replace and improve the repeaters. Fortunately the Group only has to pay a commercial rent on one site - at present.
For further information regarding GB3EK visit or for the Kent repeater group, including how to support the Kent repeater group visit