International Museums on the Air at the Spitfire Museum GB1MSM
On the Saturday we were ‘fishing’, looking for the other museums on the air. There were several frustating pile-ups but we managed to contact quite a few of the other Museum stations. The National Museum of Flight Scotland near Edinburgh GB2MOF boasted that they also had a Spitfire but Manston’s display is much better. GB4WLM Withernsea Lighthouse Museum was another interesting contact; they explained they have a memorial to Withernsea’s famous daughter Kay Kendall, the film actress. Generally, though, the contacts were brief due to the large number of operators waiting. On Sunday we found a good spot on 7MHz and stayed there. Again many contacts were made and we were thanked for putting on the special event station. We even managed to get a couple of passing amateurs as guest operators (One literally dragged out of the operator's chair by the threat that his wife would drive the family home! - Our declamations that it was 'Father's Day' seemed to hold no weight.) As Event Organizer Ian G0PDZ said, we had a good weekend with many members attending and operating for various periods of time.
Thanks go out to all who helped set up and dismantle the station on both days, as well as those who supplied necessary bits of kit.but most of all to our wonderful hosts at the Museum and the staff of the Merlin cafeteria who provided mains power and put up with us filling up their grass frontage with all our kit.