Air Ambulance special event GB1KSS
The station was constructed next to the Manston Spitfire Museum in Matt M0LMK’s army tent with the sides open in the warm weather. As band conditions had been so variable over recent days a SOTABEAMS linked dipole covering 5 bands was erected as an inverted V on a lightweight 10m telescopic pole to allow rapid band changes.
Conditions were terrible on 40m with no real inter G propagation, stations on the periphery being worked in the first hour including Les who was holidaying in North Devon. But, the skip got longer & the few stations heard were high power signals from Europe. Brief excursions onto other bands proved there was no real useful propagation. 
Using an Android tablet with a keyboard for logging worked fine but because of the few contacts made an operational test still needs to be made.
The station & club banner attracted interest from patrons of the museum cafe, so every opportunity was taken to explain our hobby and the purpose of the special event to the public.
Because of the lack of QSOs we closed the station shortly after lunch.