Latest news from the G0HRS carrier 2

“HMatt, Ian, Lyne and Morgan

Matt, Ian, Lyne and Morgan

12 March: Club Activity Night. Club Radio, Morse Training, Electronics Construction & Foundation exam.All four Foundation trainees have now passed their exam and got their licenses.  Congratulations!
We welcomed Paul Hodson G1DRX back into our hobby. Paul is the Margate Lifeboat Operations Manager. He was inspired by the enthusiasm of our Club members during the SOS Radio Week fund raising event for the RNLI in February.
20 March: In the National Science Week, despite the cloudy morning the pupils of Wellesley House school enjoyed their experience of the partial Solar Eclipse. They were well prepared.
The cloudy morning did not dent their enthusiasm as they enjoyed measuring the effects of the Moon even if they did not actually see the Sun.
Using a data logger provided by the Hilderstone radio club they found that the air temperature dropped from 9.00 C at the start of the eclipse at 8.30 to 5.60 C at 9.30.
It took twenty minutes before the temperature began climbing again. The light level dropped dramatically to a tenth of its value, from 4.6 kilolux to only 0.4 kilolux but rose steadily back to normal. The pupils noted how cold and dark it was at the peak. Armando Martins M0PAM, Graham Furlonger M0KTY and John Hislop G7OHO arranged for the pupils to detect the changes in the ionosphere by using a radio tuned to radio Netherlands which showed a marked decrease in reception quality.

“Having with the FUNcube

Having with the FUNcube

The interesting morning was rounded off by setting up an antenna to download the data from the Funcube satellite in orbit. As well as receiving information on the temperature and voltages on the satellite the pupils picked up the message for them which had been transmitted continuously around the world: ‘Good luck to the pupils of Wellesley House school in Broadstairs as they observe the partial solar eclipse.’
Alas, it was not to be!

26 March: Lyne Smith M6FFU was unanimously voted in as Club Secretary.
Erwin G4LQI gave a talk aimed at the less- experienced, how cheaply and easily built backyard antennas can help to learn what works on your site and to sharpen your operating skill. DIY antenna and feeder hardware was on display.


Erwin and his antenna components.

Hilderstone Radio & Electronics Society
was, for the second year in a row,
named best in their RSGB region in 2014.
Let’s earn it again in 2015!


Coming Soon:
9 April: Club Activity Night. RadioOperating, Morse training, Electronic construction.
12 April: our Intermediate Course begins with theory training.
19 April: Intermediate Course practical Training.
30 April: Club Night.
Ian G0PDZ gives a talk on Propagation.
9-10 May: Mills on the Air
at the White Mill in Sandwich. Special Event callsign: GB2WM. Come and take part!