News from the G0HRS carrier 1
See Club events and activities for photos.
The organization of HRES activities envisioned in the Chairman’s Report at the 2014 AGM has now been realized and is detailed in this issue. Future issues may refer to it but will focus on the activities proper.
Tasks have been assigned as follows:
Chairman and PR Officer:
John Hislop, G7OHO sends reports to RadCom and Thanet newspapers. Originates monthly newsletter. Provides latest news to website.
Contacts schools and local groups to offer help with curriculum and/or demonstrations.
Lyne Smith
Collects attendance money at door. Collects membership fees.
Maintains membership and e-mail lists. Receives and answers outside email and post correspondence. Takes minutes at meetings.
Events Officer:
Ian Lowe
Plans Special Events, gets special callsigns & liaises with outside parties involved.
Plans meeting talks, organises contests and socials such as quiz, BBQ, Christmas dinner.
Equipment & Construction Project Officer:
Bob M0ZRF, Keeps a record of Club-owned equipment, its location and outstanding loans. Maintains/Repairs Club-owned equipment Organises kit building projects.
Ensures Club has sufficient tools.
Training Officer:
Clive Widdus G1WCR
Trains candidates for F, I and A licenses Writes revision questions. Organizes exams. Carries out assessments.
Clive G1WCR reports: four Foundation candidates are about to take their exam, among them Lyne Smith who is aiming for her licence in honour of her father Arthur Milham who was better known as Buster G3OPL. Disappointed that so many of the successful participants of earlier courses have never been heard of again, Clive writes:“I now have structured the course so that they operate a radio on the first night doing the VHF practicals, and require them to make two contacts at one of the clubs special events; by the time they complete the course holding a mic is no different from holding a mobile phone. At the recent Club Buildathon the candidates were helped to build a PSK31 receiver kit; all worked!
Because the Foundation trainees are members of the Club, they are allowed to borrow the Club’s radio equipment .It comes complete with dipole HF antenna, HF set, Power supply, coax cable.We don’t give them the mic till they have their M6 licence. We have specialist who can advise newcomers on Antennas, Radios, QRP, portable operation, electronics and computing, so lots of help is availableâ€.
Recent Events
8th Jan: Club Activity Night. Club Radio, Morse Training, Foundation Training & Electronics Construction.
22 Jan: Talk and demo by John G7OHO ‘Quantum Physics for your dog’; a fascinating talk on the weird and wonderful world of the quantum. He demonstrated the experiment which earned Einstein his Nobel Prize for Physics, the photoelectric effect. John managed to bring quantum physics, used in computers and iphones as well, to a level which everyone could understand.
In RadCom you will find Hilderstone submissions under RSGB Region 10, South and South-East. The RSGB rep for Kent is Keith Bird, G4JED. . We appreciate that Keith has come to several of our events and hope to see him again soon.
24 Jan: We set up a Special Event station GB1MLS at the Margate Lifeboat Station as part of a fund raising event called SOS Radio Week in aid of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution. The aim was to raise awareness of the great work done by and to seek sponsorship for the RNLI.
7th Feb: Buildathon on Saturday morning. Six constructors built PSK31 receivers from RSGB-supplied kits. That counts towards the hands-on requirements of the coming Intermediate licence course.
12 Feb Club activity Night.. Bob, M0ZRF explained the workings of PSK31
21 Feb Guides Thinking Day on the Air. The Brownies from St John’s Margate had a wonderful time earning their communicator badge. At the Monkton Nature reserve they communicated with each other using Morse code, they tracked down a ‘fox’ which was transmitting secret messages, they used ‘walkie-talkies’ using the phonetic alphabet and they spoke confidently to other radio amateurs around the country on our Special Event Station GB1TGU. At the end of the afternoon they were skilled communicators.
Coming Soon:
12 Mar: Club Activity Night.
20 Mar: For British Science week we are planning a special event station at the Wellesley House school on the Friday morning to coincide with the partial solar eclipse. We will monitor changes in the ionosphere and demonstrate the FUNcube satellite
26 Mar: Club Activity Night with a talk by Erwin G4LQI ‘DIY Antennas’ especially for the inexperienced. Suitable hardware will be on show.